![]() The following support groups will be meeting in Columbia, SC, this Thursday, April 10, 2014: Naomi's Circle, Thu Apr 10, 2014, 6:30–7:45 pm EDT The Naomi's Circle support groups (PAL for Pregnancy After Loss and HOPE for those seeking support for a loss) meets at Spring Valley Baptist Church in the Platt Educational Building on the 2nd Thursday of the month, from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Sometimes the groups meet together and sometimes separately, depending on the needs of those present. Free childcare is available without advance registration. For more information, write to [email protected] or call (803) 728-1162. Memories Support Group, Thu Apr 10, 2014, 7–8:30 pm EDT Meets in the North Tower of Lexington Medical Center on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Corrine Barbian at 803-781-1003.
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![]() The following groups are meeting this week in the Columbia, SC, area. For more information, see our Events page. Naomi's Circle (Thu Aug 8, 2013, 6:30–7:45 pm EDT) Naomi's Circle PAL (Parenting/Pregnancy After Loss) Support group and the HOPE Group (for couples who have experienced a recent loss) will meet together this month. Dads are especially invited for a special time of fellowship. Meets at Spring Valley Baptist Church in NE Columbia. For more information, e-mail [email protected]. Memories Support Group (Thu Aug 8, 2013, 7–8:30 pm EDT) Meets in the North Tower of Lexington Medical Center on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Corrine Barbian at 803-781-1003. ![]() I'm often asked the question, "My friend has just had a loss. What can I do to help?" Of course, each person's loss is unique, as is their response to it. A miscarriage is different from an ectopic pregnancy, which is different from a stillbirth, which is different from the death of an infant. Not that one is harder or easier, but each is different. Not only that, but my miscarriage is not the same as my friend's or my co-workers or your sister's. Proverbs 14:10 says it well: "Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy." That said, there are some things that specifically seem to bring comfort to a grieving mother after the death of her baby at any stage of pregnancy or infancy. Some things that helped me, especially after the death of Naomi:
If you have had a loss, what specific gestures from friends were comforting to you? Share in the comments below. There are some wonderful websites out there to support parents who have babies in heaven. One of the top-notch ones that I know of is Hannah's Prayer (www.hannah.org). This is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing Christian support for women dealing with infertility challenges, including pregnancy loss and/or early infant death. They have some great information on their website, but the heart of their ministry is their forums, with members mostly from the U.S. and Canada, but also around the world. Here you will find encouragement, prayer support, and most of all, godly examples of women at all stages of their struggle with infertility and loss. I joined right after we lost Naomi, and have made some truly wonderful friendships. Not only that, reading their stories helped me believe that I could survive loss and still come out on the other side a whole woman with my faith intact. Our journeys are different, but God's power is the same. If you are looking for support beyond the "baby dust" that you get on other forums, check out Hannah's Prayer.
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