General information
Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support
Babies Remembered - Website of Sherokee Ilse and Associates. Offering advocacy work, bereavement support and referrals, resources, and guidance for bereaved parents and families. Also offers training, speakers, care guidelines, tailored consulting, tips and advice, and networking for professionals. The Healing Hearts eSHOP offers a number of her books, booklets as well as gifts and resources from others. Ms. Ilse has over 30 years of experience helping improve the care for the bereaved and working with hospitals, clinics, funeral homes, and other professionals. Recently, Sherokee added experienced, wise consultants to broaden the services Babies Remembered can provide.
Grieve Out Loud
M.I.S.S. Foundation
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day Site
SIDS Families
Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope
Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
First Candle/SIDS Alliance
American Pregnancy Association (this link will go to their page with information on different kinds of pregnancy loss)
Infants Remembered in Silence, Inc.
Hope Xchange - Shining Light on Pregnancy Loss
A Baby, Empty Arms, and a Broken Heart (a personal blog, but written by a mom with 20 years of experience as a psychologist with experience in trauma counseling)'s Pregnancy-Infant Loss Cubby's "Question of the Month" page - sensitively written responses to common questions from bereaved parents
stillbirthday -
Lactation issues after loss:
Lactation After Loss brochure
How to stop lactation
Babies Remembered - Website of Sherokee Ilse and Associates. Offering advocacy work, bereavement support and referrals, resources, and guidance for bereaved parents and families. Also offers training, speakers, care guidelines, tailored consulting, tips and advice, and networking for professionals. The Healing Hearts eSHOP offers a number of her books, booklets as well as gifts and resources from others. Ms. Ilse has over 30 years of experience helping improve the care for the bereaved and working with hospitals, clinics, funeral homes, and other professionals. Recently, Sherokee added experienced, wise consultants to broaden the services Babies Remembered can provide.
Grieve Out Loud
M.I.S.S. Foundation
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day Site
SIDS Families
Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope
Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
First Candle/SIDS Alliance
American Pregnancy Association (this link will go to their page with information on different kinds of pregnancy loss)
Infants Remembered in Silence, Inc.
Hope Xchange - Shining Light on Pregnancy Loss
A Baby, Empty Arms, and a Broken Heart (a personal blog, but written by a mom with 20 years of experience as a psychologist with experience in trauma counseling)'s Pregnancy-Infant Loss Cubby's "Question of the Month" page - sensitively written responses to common questions from bereaved parents
stillbirthday -
Lactation issues after loss:
Lactation After Loss brochure
How to stop lactation